The number of distinct real roots of the equaiton, $\left|\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}
{\cos \,\,x}&{\sin \,\,x}&{\sin \,\,x}\\
{\sin \,\,x}&{\cos \,\,x}&{\sin \,\,x}\\
{\sin \,\,x}&{\sin \,\,x}&{\cos \,\,x}
\end{array}\right|\,\, = \,\,0$ in the interval $\left[ { - \frac{\pi }{4},\frac{\pi }{4}} \right]$ is
The value of $\theta$ lying between $\theta = 0$ and $\theta = \pi /2$ and satisfying the equation : $\left| {\,\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {1\,\, + \,\,{{\sin }^2}\,\theta }&{{{\cos }^2}\,\theta }&{4\,\sin \,4\,\theta }\\ {{{\sin }^2}\,\theta }&{1\,\, + \,\,{{\cos }^2}\,\theta }&{4\,\sin \,4\,\theta }\\ {{{\sin }^2}\,\theta }&{{{\cos }^2}\,\theta }&{1\,\, + \,\,4\,\sin \,4\,\theta } \end{array}\,} \right|$ $= 0$ are :
Using properties of determinants, prove that:
$\left|\begin{array}{ccc}3 a & -a+b & -a+c \\ -b+a & 3 b & -b+c \\ -c+a & -c+b & 3 c\end{array}\right|=3(a+b+c)(a b+b c+c a)$
By using properties of determinants, show that:
$\left|\begin{array}{ccc}0 & a & -b \\ -a & 0 & -c \\ b & c & 0\end{array}\right|=0$
By using properties of determinants, show that:
$\left|\begin{array}{ccc}x+y+2 z & x & y \\ z & y+z+2 x & y \\ z & x & z+x+2 y\end{array}\right|=2(x+y+z)^{3}$